Food industry
Pharmaceutical industry & health
Art and restoration
Fine-chemistry (Thin film coatings)
Semi-conductor industry
Forensic sciences
Carbon nanomaterials
New opportunities in sample analysis by integrated Raman-FIB-SEM
Dutch scientists from MIRA Institute and MESA+ Institute (both University of Twente) have presented an integrated confocal Raman microscope in a FIB - SEM. They have been using an optical Raman microscope from HybriScan Technologies, that is specifically designed for integration in the SEM vacuum chamber.
In their study they demonstrate new opportunities in sample analysis of very different samples in materials and biological sciences, like crystals en graphene. "This study underlines the innovative nature of the HybriScan optical Raman microscope and its importance in Materials and Life Sciences", states Loretta van Kollenburg, CEO HybriScan Technologies.
The researchers have published their findings on Imaging & Microscopy (I&M), that provides a platform of excellence for product and service presentations addressed to users and decision-makers in industrial and academic research.
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Subsidie Managementautoriteit Oost Nederland voor 3D Raman imaging
De Managementautoriteit Oost Nederland heeft HybriScan Technologies subsidie toegekend om 3D Raman imaging in te zetten voor medische toepassingen. De innovatiesubsidie wordt verstrekt vanuit het GO EFRO programma.
Vanuit de medische sector is er grote vraag naar de toepassing van 3D Raman imaging voor de analyse van reuma samples (Rijnstate), kankerweefsel (AMC), hersenweefsel of tumor microparticles (Donders Instituut-Radboud). Binnen dit project is een Raman module ontwikkeld met 3D imaging module. Deze ontwikkeling is een vervolg op de eerder ingezette ontwikkeling van een 3D Raman tomografie instrument..
HybriScan participates in major Dutch program for cancer vesicle detection technologies
HybriScan Technologies participates in a recently awarded program of the Dutch Technology Foundation STW for extracellular cancer vesicle detection technologies. HybriScan Technologies will supply a HybriScan Raman Microscope that is integrated with a JEOL scanning electron microscope (SEM). Hybrican will assist University of Twente in related research as well.
Read more: HybriScan participates in major Dutch program for cancer vesicle detection technologies
The Cancer-ID program, in which HybriScan Technologies partcipates, starts on April 10th. The aim of the Cancer-ID program is to develop novel technology for monitoring Cancer therapy through revealing the extracellular vesicle IDentity (Cancer-ID). HybriScan Technologies will supply a HybriScan Raman Microscope that is integrated with a JEOL scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Hybrican will assist University of Twente in related research as well. "By the ability of combining imaging of data with chemical analysis HybriScan contributes with a distinctive tool in important research to learn more about these vesicles originating from cancer cells", stresses Loretta van Kollenburg, CEO of Arnhem based Hybriscan.
In the STW perspective program ‘New technology for monitoring cancer therapy through extracellular vesicle identity’, innovative technologies will be developed for the detection and characterization of vesicles that are secreted by cells. Because they are very small (50-1000 nm), present techniques are inadequate for clinical vesicle detection, however vesicles do contain clinical information about, for example, cancer, allergies, vascular disorders, and autoimmune diseases.
Read more about Cancer-ID program
Since May this year Hybriscan is already working together with the AMC in Amsterdam on detection and characterisation of microvesicles. This AMC/HybriScan project is developing an integrated optics and microfluidics platform that can determine the concentration and origin of infrequent vesicles or bacteria in liquid. The role of Hybriscan is correlating size with chemical composition of microvesicles.
Read more: AMC and HybriScan working on characterisation of microvesicles